

Welcome to the Bureau Wiki. Here we attempt to document all facets of Bureau Myth and Legend so it might be preserved for the education and edification of current and future generations. The Wiki has a truly awful css file which the tech team has committed to fixing, ideally by killing it with fire and writing (or borrowing) a better one. This fix is expected to occur no later than the Heat Death of the Universe, but probably not much before.


In accordance with recent regulations, we must inform you that this wiki uses cookies. Cookies are small cylinders of sweet baked dough, and their use is necessary in order for the wiki to provide itself with a sufficient sugar hit to make sense of the rubbish people write in it.

Key Concepts

Current Projects

Bureau Policies

Philosophical Foundations

List of Things

List of Majestic Concepts

List of Drink Related Things

List of People

List of Groups

List of Geography

Other Stuff

Technical Bits

To create a new page, visit a page name that doesn’t exist and edit it. This Wiki has the Markup and Header Markup extensions installed. You can find details of how to do formatted text and headers and things by visiting those links.