
In accordance with long established custom all StavBureau trials are held in the Hague in 1974. This marginally extreme measure is justified as a measure to ensure fairness and probity and to maintain trust in Bureau Justice.

Common Questions

Why the Hague?

Bureau trials are only organised for the most heinous and serious of offences such as crimes against humanity, high to medium treason and repeatedly being late to the pub. Therefore it is believed that only the Hague Tribunal convey the appropriate air of gravitas on such august proceedings.

Why 1974?

The trials are held in 1975 to guarantee the fairness of the outcome. Some scurrilous doubters have expressed the view that the Bureau may be tempted to pervert the course of justice and corrupt the process to achieve a certain desired result. While such people are clearly wrong, and traitors, the Bureau munificently agreed to hold the trial in 1974 before any of them were born. Having not been born they clearly couldn’t influence the outcome and so the Bureau could have the doubters shot, as a warning to others, with a clear conscience.

Top Tips

There were/are/will be some issues with the Bureau's chosen method of time travel and there is/was/will be a minor temporal anomaly somewhere in the region of the Hague. While the exact location is still somewhat unclear the Bureau have narrowed it down to somewhere in or around Courtroom 12, thus it is advised to steer clear of that general area. If you do find yourself having to go into the area be sure to never lean to the left.