
The World Conversation League is the only fully accredited league for conversation in the world.


The game requires two players; any more and things get confusing, any less and the game tends to be over quite quickly. The players agree on a subject that they disagree over and proceed to argue until the argument is concluded and one player is declared the victor.


Conversationalist are ranked according to victories, with a quite ridiculous weighting applied to most recent victories. The person topping the standing being undisputed world champion while second place bestows the rank of No.1 contender.

The actual rankings are somewhat disputed at the moment due to the inability of several WCL conversationalists to fully grasp the implications of the Grand Unified Theory of Quantum Conversation (GUT-QC).



The Grand Unified Theory of Quantum Conversation states that it is possible to hold two separate and contradictory conversations at the same time. This is an application of the Copenhagen School thinking whereby the argument has no state until observed when the augmentative waveform collapses and someone wins. As two waveforms can exist at the same time there is clearly no problem with having two seemingly contradictory arguments at the same time. Sadly some players refuse to accept this as it may involve them losing.

Tactical Tips


The card system is immensely complicated but it is vital part of any aspiring conversationalist’s armoury. Some cards can be modified by being held at 90º, 180º or on the players head. It is crucial not to get these confused when deploying a card or you could lose instantly (see for instance the Ice Card)

Main Cards

OTH - On The Head, xxº Angle the card must be held at