30th October 2023

The Knight Errant Puzzle


The Ultimate Book of Number Puzzles by Kenneth Kelsey contains various puzzles which relate to magic and semimagic squares.

On page 48, there is a puzzle which combines a semimagic square (a square grid of numbers in which the numbers in each row and column are equal, but not the diagonals) with a knight's tour (a path taken by a chess knight which visits every square exactly once).

Page 48 of The Ultimate Book of Number Puzzles, which describes the Knight Errant puzzle.
Page 49 of The Ultimate Book of Number Puzzles, which describes the Knight Errant puzzle and gives one partial solution.

The problem

Putting to one side the story of the promised fame and fortune and Bandar's curiously specific spellcasting, let's reduce the problem to its mathematical essentials:

Given an 8x8 chess board, the task is to find a knight's tour which satisfies the following conditions:

We'll call a solution a "nested semimagic knight's tour" — that is, a semimagic knight's tour with the additional requirement that each of the four 4x4 quadrants of the square is itself a semimagic square.

Kelsey writes "I have been unable to work out more than four variations of this interesting knight's move square — ignoring rotations and reflections." He presents incomplete representations of these four solutions as puzzles, inviting the reader to complete them.

Given solutions

Here are the four solutions presented in the book.

47 2493215341764
305146 362191435
5229 44520613613
43 6532837125922
542744 560213811
7422556 9402358
2655 84124571039
Solution #1
305146 362191435
47 2493215341764
5229 44520613613
43 6532837125922
542744 560213811
7422556 9402358
2655 84124571039
Solution #2
47 2493215341764
305146 362191435
5229 44520613613
5442556 9402160
2853 84124571237
43 6552639105922
542742 758233811
Solution #3
305146 362191435
47 2493215341764
5229 44520613613
5442556 9402160
2853 84124571237
43 6552639105922
542742 758233811
Solution #4

More solutions

I wrote a program to find any more nested semimagic knight's tours, ignoring rotations and reflections.

The source is available as a GitHub repository.

This program finds the four solutions published by Kelsey above and the additional four presented below.

1483150 9406318
3051 84162193811
47 2493239101764
522942 720611237
2853 64324573613
45 4552615345922
542744 558231435
Solution #5
3051 84162193811
47 24932 9401764
522942 720611237
2853 64324573613
45 4552615345922
542744 558231435
Solution #6
47 2255615341764
542746 324571435
2853 44558233613
5444932 9401962
5229 84122591237
43 6315039106120
305142 760213811
Solution #7
47 2552615341764
542746 324571435
2853 44558233613
5444932 9401962
5229 84122591237
43 6315039106120
305142 760213811
Solution #8

Solutions #5 and #6 are identical except for the positions of steps 9, 10, 39 and 40 in the top-right quadrant. Solutions #7 and #8 differ only in the positions of steps 25, 26, 55 and 56.

Incidentally, although none of the eight solutions is a simple rotation or reflection of any other, they are all "paired" in another way: solutions #1 and #2, for example, are the same solution, but with the board horizontally reflected and the path reversed. Solutions #3 and #4, #5 and #7, and #6 and #8 are related in the same way.

Running time

The program completes the search in around 6–7 minutes when run in 12 concurrent threads on my computer (3.7 GHz 6-core AMD CPU).

Algorithm overview

The program uses a depth-first search to find all possible paths from a given starting square. If the knight discovers it has no legal moves from the current position, it backtracks and tries the next available move from its previous position.

It would be impractical to enumerate all possible knight's tours on an 8x8 grid (over 19 quadrillion of them!) and then check the other conditions. So, to cut down the vast search space and eliminate paths that can never lead to a solution, we abandon a path if we can prove that it cannot possibly lead to a valid solution.

Starting square

Recall that the tour must start in the leftmost column. We need only search for solutions starting in the topmost four squares of the leftmost column, because any solutions starting in the lower four squares will simply be reflections of those. This follows from the vertical symmetry of the puzzle.

Ending square

If we visit all the permissible ending squares (the squares in the rightmost column) before we complete the tour, then this path cannot yield a valid solution so we backtrack.

Number of unvisited squares reachable from each square

While we build the path, for each square we keep track of the number of other unvisited squares which are a knight's move away. Before making each move, we check the following conditions to see if it's worth continuing.

If we reach a position where any square has zero unvisited knight-adjacent squares and we can't visit that square on the next move, we know we can't complete the tour from this position so there's no point continuing this path.

Similarly, if the number of squares which have only one unvisited knight-adjacent square is greater than 1 (greater than 2 if we're visiting such a square on the next move) then we can't complete the tour, because we can't possibly visit all such squares without passing through another square twice.

If any square we can move to, other than a permissible ending square, has only one unvisited knight-adjacent square, we must visit it next. If we don't, then either we will never visit it, or when we do visit it we won't be able to move anywhere else afterwards. If this rule requires us to visit multiple squares "next", this is obviously impossible so we backtrack.

From step 5, we must visit the bottom-left corner square next, or we'll never be able to visit it again and leave.

Each half-row and half-column sums to 130

In each 4x4 quadrant, the numbers in each row and column must sum to 130. This means there are 32 "lines" of four squares whose contents must sum to that total: four across and four down in each of the board's four 4x4 quadrants. We use this requirement to narrow down the search further.

Every square is on exactly two such lines: one horizontal and one vertical.

542744 511
Within each 4x4 quadrant, the numbers in each row and each column must sum to 130.

We keep track of the running total in each of these lines while we build a path, and the number of squares filled in each line.

What if the tours could start and end anywhere?

We could try relaxing the requirement that the knight's path must start and end on opposite sides of the board. This wasn't explicitly stated in the original puzzle, after all.

If we remove this requirement, the program takes considerably longer to run (around five times as long as on the original problem above), because we are now deprived of the assumptions on which many of its optimisations are made. For example, we can no longer assume that two numbers on the same line of four must sum to between 8 and 122. It must also check all the starting squares in one half of one quadrant and on its leading diagonal, rather than only the top four squares of the leftmost column.

We must check for tours starting from at least these squares if we are to remove the restriction on starting and ending square. Tours starting from other squares will be rotations and/or horizontal, vertical or diagonal reflections of these.

It turns out that removing this requirement yields no new solutions.

With these modified requirements, the program does produce a total of 12 tours, but four of these are the four solutions which start in the top-left corner, reflected across the top-left-to-bottom-right diagonal. Ignoring all rotations and reflections, the total number of solutions is still eight.