Star Viewer

This page gives a navigable annotated view of the stars, planets and Messier objects currently visible from a given location on Earth. Enter your postcode, or your latitude and longitude if you're outside the UK, and press "Generate View".

No image to display. Enter postcode or latitude/longitude and click Generate View.

Position information

UK postcode

Alternatively, enter your latitude and longitude, e.g. 50.219240 -5.498221.

Latitude degrees
Longitude degrees



Find star

Enter one of the following pieces of information to search for a star.

Hipparcos no.
Yale (HR)
Gliese no.
Flamsteed no.

Find Messier object

To point at a particular Messier object, enter its number or select it from the drop-down list.

Messier number
Messier object

View direction

As an alternative to clicking in the viewport, you can use these controls to set the compass direction (azimuth) and inclination (altitude) of the centre of the viewport, and the viewport's field of view.

Azimuth degrees
Altitude degrees
Field of view degrees (1-180)

View options

Viewport radius pixels
Draw grid
Label stars
Display list of objects
Draw objects below horizon