This application turns tabular data into a convenient web-based graph.
We'll get the meat out of the way first. Paste (or, if you must, type) your data into the box. Each line should have an x-value and its corresponding y-values separated by commas (or something else, if you insist). This is a very simple example:
2003, 4 2004, 4 2005, 9 2006, 14 2007, 22
Columns are delimited by:
All the controls below this point are of only cosmetic importance, so you can press this button to generate the graph now.
Graph title: X-axis label: Y-axis label:
Graph type: Line graph Splatter graph
Specify the required dimensions of the image. If the dimensions you give are too small or too large, they will be changed to something more sensible. Note that these dimensions specify the size of the entire image, not just the area that has the graph on it.
Desired image width (pixels): Desired image height (pixels):
Use these widgets to say where you want the edges of the graph to be.
Normally, you shouldn't need to fiddle with these, but if the graph generator does mess it up, here are the controls.
Draw grid Give me great gobs of debugging output
Allow drawing outside the bounds of the graph Add timestamp to image
You own the copyright on all graphs you produce with this graph generator. I own the copyright on the generator itself.
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