# The CSV file format is as follows: # FIELD MEANING # 0 Round number # 1 Timestamp, in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS # 2 Round type: L, N or C # 3 Letters selection, or numbers separated by spaces, or conundrum # 4 Numbers target (blank if not a numbers round) # 5 Player 1's offering (word for letters, declaration for numbers) # 6 Player 1's method (numbers), buzz time (conundrum), else blank # 7 Player 1's adjudication (0 valid, 1 invalid, 2 phantom, 3 not written down, -M misdeclared as M) # 8 Player 1's score for this round # 9 Player 1's cumulative score so far for the game # 10 Player 2's offering # 11 Player 2's method # 12 Player 2's adjudication # 13 Player 2's score for this round # 14 Player 2's cumulative score so far this game # 15 N: closest possible # 16 L: best words, N: best numbers method, C: solution # 17 Maximum score for this round (blank if unknown) # 18 Cumulative maximum